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AgriCAD developed the ripper to fulfill the needs of the farmers that subscribe to a practice of deep soil preparation. With an effective working depth of 800 mm most of the challenges associated with deep ripping are solved.
Implement characteristics:
In addition to normal ripping the implement can be adapted for granular fertilizer application with the addition of a towed fertilizer bin. The ripper can also be fitted with a RTK steering system.
AgriCAD het hul diepwerk ripper ontwikkel om aan die behoeftes van saaiboere te voldoen. Met ‘n effektiewe werksdiepte van tot 800 mm los dit baie diep bewerkingsbehoeftes op.
Implement eienskappe:
Die implement kan behalwe vir gewone diep ripwerk, ook aangepas word vir korrelkunsmistoediening, met die byvoeging van ‘n korrelkunsmiswa. Kan ook met RTK stuurmeganisme toegerus word.
Contact us today! / Kontak ons vandag!
+27 79 515 8708